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Image by David Weber

Every week we take the Lord's supper together. These are symbols that remind us of Jesus' sacrifice for us: the bread of Jesus' body that was broken and the wine of his blood shed. Taking communion is for anyone who is a Christian. If you are not a Christian you are welcome to join us and observe.


Image by Rod Long

Every week we have a sermon. where someone (usually the pastor)will speak on a particular passage of the Bible. We believe the Bible is God's word to us. We seek to understand it more so that we can grow in knowledge of and love for God and his ways.


Music Sheets

Every week we sing songs throughout the service. We do this because we believe God is worthy of our praise and worship because of who he is and what he has done. We love to do this together as God's people.



After someone becomes a Christian they are to be baptised. We do this by immersing a person in water. Baptism does not make someone a Christian but represents them becoming spiritually united to Jesus in his death and resurrection. It symbolises their new life in Christ.


Bible Lessons

We Pray at various points in our service. Prayer is how we speak to God and it is important that we do that together.


British Pound Coins

We believe it is important to give a proportion of our money back to God. We give to help the work of the Church and missions across the world. There is no expectation on visitors to give.

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