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We have many book in our church office that you are welcome to borrow. Please speak to Lewis or one of the deacons and they would be happy to let you go and have a browse!

Questions Christians Ask Series


Short, readable books which clearly explain how the Bible answers the tough questions Christians are asking, questions such as


- 'Where was God when that happened?'

- 'Is God Anti-gay?'

- 'Can I really Trust the Bible?'

- 'How will the World End?'



First Steps of Discipleship Series

Short books to help new believers understand aspects of the christian life. Topics include


- God

- The Bible

- Church

- Growth and training

- Fighting Sin

- Christian Character


Building Healthy Churches

Short book series about the local church. Topics include


- Biblical Theology

- Church Membership

- Evangelism

- Missions


Favourite Books from Lewis


'Desiring God' by John Piper


'The Holiness of God' by R C Sproul


'Knowing God' by  J.I.Packer


'Nine Marks of a Healthy Church' by Mark Dever


'The Imperfect Disciple' by Jared C Wilson


'The Reason For God' by Tim Keller


'What Is the Gospel?' by Greg Gilbert

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